Saturday, October 4, 2008

Love in the Dust!

I don't like to dust & at one time in my life I didn't think you could even see dust on things. One day a long time a go, for whatever reason, I decided to dust. I was amazed at how different everything looked without a coat of dust on it! I thought it was amazing! After that discovery, I still didn't like to dust & I ususally only dust once or twice a year.
However, the point I am trying to get to is that, one day a few weeks ago, Tori was over at my house & we were in my bedroom. She mentioned about the dust that was on top of the TV & I told her that this was the time of year that I should be dusting.
While she was waiting for me she wrote me a 'love' letter in the dust & after that I just couldn't dust it away! But then I had a great idea! Why don't I take a picture of it & memorialize it forever! So that's what I did & today I dusted my bedroom!
Incase you can't make out what it says...I Love you with a heart & Tori was here, with a bunch of hearts under that!

I know I should have waited until Love Thursday to post this, but I just couldn't wait. I might be too busy on Thursday, so it is Love Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Isn't that cute! In another 6 months she can write another love note!


Anonymous said...

You are so funny!
I am posting from my laptop as my computer is still not fixed!

Connie said...

What a sweet girl I have.