Monday, October 13, 2008

Helmet Heads!

All summer long I have considered purchasing a moped, but then I thought, "I'll have to get a good helmet too, and that could cost about $50.00 more." And then there is the problem of getting hit by a car! Anyway, that being said, Troy got a new helmet so he can go four wheeling & be safe. When I told him my moped story, he & Connie said that I could have his old motorcycle helmet. So maybe the moped is back on the table for me! Maybe next year! By the way, the boy in the blue shirt is Trevor. He put on his goggles so no one would recognize him! Did it work?

And here I am in my new helmet! I think it looks kind of dorky but it will protect my brain should it come in contact with any concrete. But maybe I should have one that would be more protective of my face! We wouldn't want any thing to spoil that perfection, now would we!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Very nice, I am so proud to say I'm related to all 3 of you, crazy people.