Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kermis & Petal Pounding

I helped my sister Ellen today in the Garden Club/Historical Society booth at the 27th Anual Kermis Dutch Festival.
I helped Ellen demonstrate petal pounding as taught to us by our sister Jane. Tons of people stopped by the Garden Club/Historical Society booth to try their hand/hammer at it. Everyone really liked it & some of the kids came back 3 times to do it again. It was pretty much fun!

We used Jane's projects for examples as to what the finished product would look like. Pretty Nice!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, this was a fun experience! Fun being able to spend the day with Vicki! I never would have been able to do it without her. Wow, was it busy! Once we finially got to sit down I could hardly walk again from standing all day! Of course Vicki tells me to at least stand up straight because I looked like an old lady. After a few steps, I could stand up and even walk without too much discomfort. Missed alot of Kermis. I really want to see the Friesian horse-(a Dutch breed of horse-There is a proviance in Holland by the same name). He was there and gone before I knew it.


Anonymous said...

Next year you will have to go to Kermis just to SEE and not DO!

If it's earlier in the fall maybe I can come!


Anonymous said...

That was funny seeing her walk that way! You would have laughed if you were there too!

Connie said...

I should have come. I have a ton of pounding I want to get done before there are no petals to be found. Although, we got a ton done around the house. You will have to come see.