Sunday, October 5, 2008

Do You Think Money Grows on Trees?

This is another saying from my past. Both my parents used this question on more than one occassion...

Did I think money grew on trees? No I didn't think that and now that I think back I didn't really know where the money came from! I knew that we had food, heat, electricity and clothes & we always had lots of presents at Christmas time!

Well, now that I'm 'older' and somewhat wiser, I know where money comes from & it isn't growing on any of my trees!

Here is my money tree...

Deader than a door nail! I should go buy a lotter ticket!

I know I should dig out this dead tree~bush, but I really like the character of dead trees. I have more pictures of dead trees~they might find their way here one day!


Anonymous said...

Money does grow on trees! Don't you remember the time we tied the 25 silver dollars to the tree in the backyard for their 25th anniversary?!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I got to get me one of those trees!

Anonymous said...

"Deader than a door nail" is another one of those sayings from the past.

Do you remember when we first met? You were so oddly familiar to me. You were a stranger but I felt like I knew you my entire life. Come to find out our Grandfathers were bothers and we had virtually the same upbringing, knew the same people and had the same values. The only part of NOT knowing you - was due to the fact that I had not previously MET you. LOL!!

The oddly familiar part, were these expressions, the ones that were spoken by another generation and heard by us, in our youth. It's good to remember them. I want to hear MORE!!!

Love, TK

Anonymous said...

I do remember when we met. Your eyes are just like my grandpa's. I knew almost everything about you because that's what our grandparents did, they talked about famliy. I'm sure you heard all about me too! We just didn't meet yet! And now we are not only family, I consider you to be one of my best friends! It's fun sharing my life with you & we get to share a common past too because of our ancestors!
We are blessed! I Love You!