Monday, December 8, 2008

The Windmill is Ordered!

The Windmill is officially ordered & it will be made in the Netherlands! This is Robin Decker who is the director of the Windmill. She is being interview by a local TV station that will air the story tonight on the 9:00 news! This is Don De Groot who is the Windmill Committee chairman.
This is Lukas Verbij who is the representative of the company who will building the windmill. It is a family owned business in the Netherlands! How fun is that!

This is the crowd that was on hand for the signing of the contract!

This is the crowd being filmed for the 9:00 news tonight!

This is the entire Windmill Committee who worked hard to make the windmill a reality!

Here is the official signing! If you click on the picture & look real close~they even sign with a windmill pen!

How exciting! I can't wait to see it finished in person! Stay tuned for future updates during the construction & to see the finished product!


Anonymous said...

Nice job with the photos!! That pretty much tells the story! It was a very exciting meeting. Can't wait!


Jane said...

That is exciting. Love the windmill pen!!