Friday, December 19, 2008

Did I Say I Hate Snow?

Why, yes I did say that...when all I had to clean it up with is this>>> and the snow was piled up to my waist! AND then it broke :( But that turned out to be a good thing~meet my new helper! I haven't decided on a name for it yet but part of the name should be BIG!

Wait till you see it!

Maybe, BIG Boy, BIG Girl, BIG Orange? But whatever the name I really LOVE it & it works so good! Plus I got 12 months no interest, no payments!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is some orange. If you love it so much and want to practice, you can come on over. I myself don't have an orange contraption like that. KIM

Milk Drinker said...

If I had the time, I would snow blow my way over!

Jane said...

John joined you and bought a "friend" for your Big Girl!
He needs gas and oil before he can use it tho', so he is a tad frustrated right now as the snow continues to fall here. That makes over 16 inches this week!

Anonymous said...

She a bute! It just keeps snowing so you and your new friend will be spending lots of time together!
