I've Been Vandalized~Almost Killed & Didn't Know It!
I don't know if it happened during the night, (I didn't hear anything if it did), or after I left this morning to drive my bus. But, some "drunken lout"~my Judge always used to say that when he was sentencing someone for bad behavior while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, drove off the street onto my yard...just missing the power pole!toward my house~the garage part but my bedroom is just on the back corner so it was close! If you see the house in the top left of this picture, that is where they ended up going back on the road, so that was pretty far to travel!
their tire tracks went JUST on the side of the little tree that Ellen gave me & that I just planted 2 weeks ago...if you click on the picture to make it bigger you will see the little tree...at which point they must have seen the building & turned to the left to avoid it...just missing the other small bush right up there next to the corner of the garage...
fish-tailing to miss my mail box
fish-tailing from a side view & bottom view...& then the front tires skidded on the middle part of my driveway...
across the apron...
across the terrace & going down the curb...
across the street onto my neighbor's terrace, with 2 wheels on his grass & the other 2 wheels on the street/gutter/curb...
see the black marks on the side of the curb & the other skid mark on his driveway apron...
and then back on the street to a clean get away!
This is a picture from my side yard & the house on the corner is where he went back on the road! It would have been a scarey thing to see, I wonder if the person will remember or what they will think if they drive by my house & see the ruts left in my lawn. I think we were all spared of something that could have ended with more than ruts in a lawn. Today is Wednesday, maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket!
Wow, I can't believe you didn't call me to tell me about this. Did you call the police? Looks to me like it was done on purpose-- the ruts and skid marks are so heavy! Looks like they peeled out on your drive way and into the grass.
Holy Moly, that is crazy. I can't believe that...someone must have been extremely intoxicated or having a heart attack. Glad no one got hurt but at the same time, I'm curious to know what the issue was. At any rate, your grass sure looks nice and green and trimmed nice ready for winter.
Wow, I can't believe you didn't call me to tell me about this. Did you call the police? Looks to me like it was done on purpose-- the ruts and skid marks are so heavy! Looks like they peeled out on your drive way and into the grass.
I was going to but you were at work & I didn't want you to have to answer your phone when you were close to your boss!
Holy Moly, that is crazy. I can't believe that...someone must have been extremely intoxicated or having a heart attack. Glad no one got hurt but at the same time, I'm curious to know what the issue was. At any rate, your grass sure looks nice and green and trimmed nice ready for winter.
I was thinking that if they had a medical problem they would have been sick or dead in their car close to the damage.
Just TERRIBLE!! I never understood why people are entertained by vandalizing property? How is that fun?
Fun, for me, is eating! If you caught them in your garden eating tomatoes - I could maybe understand the pull.
I'm glad you weren't killed!!
Scary stuff, that's for sure! Wow!
And where does Ellen work that she has a boss by the phone?!? I thought she was doing landscaping work?
call me.
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