Monday, June 23, 2008

Star Quilt Square #9

Well now that I see this on the computer it looks like the right side is not quite right. I hurried when I did this one because I was so excited to do it. And when I picked out the dark & light fabrics it looks like I choose the opposite. I didn't figure that out until I laid it out after I cut all the pieces. Oh well maybe I'll make another square doing it the opposite way just incase I need more squares to make the quilt bigger to fit the bed. If I don't need it I can make another pillow. That's what I'm doing with the do overs! Anyway, I do think the quilt making is pretty much fun. I hope she will do another one when this one is finished!

1 comment:

Jane said...

This WAS a fun block to do!
You might need a bit more contrast on this one, but what do I know.
It's a good idea to use the "do-overs" for a pillow!