Thursday, June 26, 2008

Milestone for me & Remembering Mom

While I know you are probably thinking that "this is just a piece of gray material", it is, in fact a very special piece of gray material!
Anyone who has ever gone shopping with mom will tell you that there was always a material store stop during the shopping.
And there would always be a purchase of material.
On more than one occasion we would hear her say
"I'll take what's left on the bolt."
Those are very historic meaningful words to us.
I know that those words have been spoken by my sister E.M.M. and more recently by my other sister, J.A.S.
After J.A.S. told me about her chance to say those words, I wondered if I would ever have the chance to utter those words for myself.
So it was on the 26th day of June 2008 around 7:00PM-ish I had the chance to say those very words!
I told the cutting woman that I would like 2 yards of the beautiful gray material.
As she was measuring she said that there was just a little over 2 yards and I said, in the words I was taught by my mom,
"I'll take what's left on the bolt!"
It was a historic day for me!
I'll keep you posted so you will see what I will do with the very special piece of material!


Connie said...

How very cool, Mom. I love this post.
I love you,

Jane said...

That is such a great story!
Mom would be so proud of us.
Great writing Vicki, and I can't wait to see what you do with the beautiful gray material.